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Whatsapp Messenger (English: WhatsApp Messenger) is called. There is a famous instant messaging service running on smart phones. With this help, the audio, image, video and your location (location) can be sent through the Internet in addition to the text message on the other 'Wattsapp' user's smartphone. 
WhatsApp logo.svg
According to the date of September 2015, with WattsAp 90 million more users, it is the second most popular instant messenger in the world.

Facebook Inc., on February 19, 2014, located in WattsAp Inc., Mountain View, California. For about $ 19 billion.

WhatsApp logo.svg


1 start
2 format of income
3 References
4 Whatsapp Beginning


In January 2009, Jane Kume bought an Apple iPhone. With this phone, Jane Kum got an idea of ​​the potential of the app to be extremely popular. Meanwhile, Jane Coom went home to his Russian-born friend Alex Fisherman, West San Jose. Fishman invited friends of Russian descent to eat pizza each week and watch the movie. Many times, there were 40 people in this area. In Fisherman's kitchen, Jane Coom and Fisherman used to discuss tea on the app drinking tea. During this conversation, the idea of ​​creating a new app like Whatsapp was born. Interestingly, Wattsapp, interesting owner, WhatsAppSp, 37 year old Jan Kum of Ukraine started with Brian Acton, 44, of America. Later, another 'Venture Capitalist', Jim Goetz also joined. Jen Kume is the company's chief executive (CEO). According to Forbes, a famous business magazine, Wattspe chief executive Jan Koom has a 45 percent stake in the company.

Whatsapp Chat Archive 1A
Income form

Facebook has made it free from 2015.


  •  Voice calling, March 12, 2015
  •  "WhatsApp Voice Calling". April 4, 2015.
  •  "What's the number of Whatsapp users more than 90 million" Till date. Check the value of the date parameter in September 4, 2015. | date = (help)
  •  "Facebook's Whatsapp-App for $ 19 Billion" Amar Ujala. Check the value of the date parameter in February 21, 2014. | date = (help)
  •  "Facebook bought for $ 19 billion, Watts-App" One India Hindi Check the value of the date parameter in February 20, 2014. | date = (help)
  •  "Facebook buys WhatsApp for $ 19 billion". CNN Check the value of the date parameter in February 19, 2014. | date = (help)


Categories: Mobile Appasanger

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